Artigianato o Industrializzazione?

Craftsmanship or Industrialization?

Craftsmanship or Industrialization;
is this the Problem.. or the Opportunity ✨
Let's start with a brief definition of these two emblems:
💚 CRAFTS: sm (f. -a) and adj. [der. of art]. – 1. sm Anyone who carries out an activity (even artistic) for the production (or even repair) of goods, through their own manual labor and that of a limited number of workers, without mass production, generally carried out. in a shop
🖤 INDUSTRIALIZATION: sf [der. to industrialize]. – In an absolute sense, any form of intensification of the production of goods and services, especially through a strong increase in industries, which also generally involves the spread of mass production, the concentration of production activities in a smaller number of smaller companies increasingly larger, and therefore the substitution of large-scale for small and medium-sized industry. With reference to a territorial entity, the transformation of its economy in an industrial sense, i.e. through the development of industrial activities with prevalence over other activities (agriculture, tertiary activities, etc.)
Faced with these two definitions, in October 2022 I made my choice, to become an ARTISAN and have my own WORKSHOP 🌱
Being an artisan in today's world is a very difficult challenge but, as soon as I started Euphoria Artigiana, I immediately understood my mission:
that of taking a step back, seeking good values ​​and habits, which would help me re-find my balance in this messy world 💫
I try to do this by creating fragrances that talk about emotions and can tell stories 📖
Today I'm here to ask you what choice you have or would like to make:
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